#SayNoToJungleJustice Advocacy and Sensitization Program

Location: Ondo State and other Southwest region in Nigeria

Objective: To combat the rise of jungle justice through awareness, education, and community engagement.

In 2017, UGRFP identified an alarming increase in incidents of jungle justice in Ikare-Akoko, Ondo State. This form of extrajudicial punishment often leads to violence and loss of innocent lives, undermining the principles of justice and human rights.

About the project

Community Sensitization
  • Conducted door-to-door campaigns and community meetings to educate residents about the dangers and illegality of jungle justice.

  • Distributed informational leaflets and posters highlighting the legal repercussions of participating in jungle justice.

Workshop and Seminars
  • Organized workshops involving local leaders, law enforcement officials, and community members to discuss the importance of lawful justice systems.

  • Provided training on conflict resolution and the importance of reporting crimes to the proper authorities.

Public Awareness Campaigns
  • Launched the #NoToJungleJustice social media campaign to spread awareness beyond the immediate community.

  • Used local radio and television stations to broadcast messages against jungle justice, featuring testimonies from victims and legal experts.

  • Partner with local newspapers to publish articles and opinion pieces on the issue

Collaboration with Authorities
  • Partnered with local law enforcement to ensure a prompt response to incidents of mob justice.

  • Worked with the judiciary to facilitate faster processing of cases to reduce frustration among the populace, which often leads to jungle justice.

  • Organize town hall meetings and community forums and engage with traditional rulers to discuss the issue of Justice Jungle in Nigeria and mobilize support.

Our Impact

The Say No to Jungle Justice campaign has sparked a movement, inspiring over 1,000 young people to become champions of human rights and justice. By reporting incidents and taking lawful action, these youth are helping to break the cycle of jungle justice and create a safer, more just society for all.

We noticed significant behavioral change among locals
  • There was a noticeable reduction in incidents of jungle justice in Ikare-Akoko following the program.

  • More residents began reporting crimes to the police rather than taking the law into their own hands.

We strengthened community relations with local authorities and traditional rulers
  • There is an improved trust between the community and law enforcement as a result of collaborative efforts.

  • Local leaders are also taking active role in maintaining peace and justice in their communities.

There was an increased awareness in Southwest region in Nigeria
  • The program significantly raised awareness about the illegality and immorality of jungle justice.

  • Community members became more informed about proper legal channels and the importance of allowing the justice system to operate.

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“Human rights are not a privilege, but a necessity for a dignified life.”

― Kofi Annan